Let me tell you a little about us. We live in the Appalachian mountains on 28 acres of mostly steep hillside. We started out living without electricity, or running water. We built our home from scratch and have added onto it over the years…it’s a never ending project. 🙂
My husband and I have raised our three children here, homeschooled them and sent them off into the world.
Our homestead in the Appalachian mountains 1995
Over the years, we have raised an assortment of animals including the smallest quail to the largest ostrich. And we are naturally falling back into that as we are currently taking time off from the road.
This blog will take you along for the ride, with current and previous experiences we have had with our animals.
Currently we are raising, some sheep, turkeys, chickens and ducks.
We also have a 13 year old pet pot bellied pig named Hamlet to keep us company.

I am frugal and like to see how far a recipe can be stretched. I have been writing a frugal cookbook and a book on our first year on High Lonesome as homesteaders with 3 young children. These are a work in progress, but now that I have the time, I may finish them.
We still homestead, to a certain extent. We always try to be as self-sufficient as we can. We collect water in cisterns. Along with that, we are also do-it-yourselfers.
We will be offering hatching eggs next year from the chickens (Ayam Cemani, Deathlayers, Buff Orpingtons, and ducks (Muscovy, Welsh Harlequin, and Black Swedish) plus Royal Palm Turkeys.

I have big plans on expanding our operation… now if all goes well…